SEND Offer and Report

Inclusion is at the heart of King’s Cross Academy. We believe firmly in success for all children.
We provide a rich and engaging curriculum yet we know that some children will require extra provision that is additional to, or different from, the other children in their class.
Where this is the case, we will look at whether the child would benefit from being placed on the Special Education Needs Register. We would always do this in conjunction with parents. This allows the needs of the child to be considered in an in-depth way through a Targeted Action Plan (TAP). This plan allows for the additional or different provision to be planned. These plans are reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
Some children have more complex needs, and in these instances, we may draw upon specialist services, including our own speech and language therapist, mental health professionals, educational psychologists and occupational therapists.
For a small number of our pupils, their needs are such that they require an Educational and Health Care Plan. The school works closely with parents and Camden SEN team where this is the case.
We know that for families with a child with SEN, things can be difficult and confusing at times. As well as supporting the child, it is vital that we work closely with families too. Our inclusion manager, Kay Baxter, is the main point of contact for all families with children with SEN. Her contact details can be found on the contact us page.
The King’s Cross Academy SEND offer is a document that sets out how the Academy believes it can support children with SEND. To access our SEND offer please click here.
The King’s Cross Academy SEND report sets out how we provide for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) throughout their time with us.
To access the SEND report, please click here.