Letter from the Chair

King's Cross Academy School

Welcome from your chair of Governors

I have been involved in the ongoing regeneration of King’s Cross for most of my working life and, with two children of my own, I know how important this new school has become to local families.

The governors and members of the Trust continue to be enormously excited about the Academy. In 2023, we appointed Mr Stephen Mitchell to be the Headteacher of the school.  He and his staff, the parents and their children have determined and vigorous support from all the governors and we are delighted to have established a happy and friendly school where children are safe, love learning, behave well and succeed.

Our school is part of an inspiring education campus, sharing the building with Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children (an outstanding school), a new community centre and residential apartments. We are seeing the creation of one of London’s best teaching and learning environments, at the centre of this thriving, new, urban community.

We very much look forward to welcoming you and your child to King’s Cross Academy.

Alexandra Woolmore
Chair of Governors

King's Cross Academy School teachers and pupils school photo