
Children from King's Cross Academy running

King’s Cross Academy was built in response to the growing community around King’s Cross. The Academy serves its local community and welcomes all enquiries about admissions and the availability of places.

We teach pupils from age 3 and have a 26-place nursery and are a two-form entry school with classes from Reception through to Year 6.

The Academy shares a building with Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children, but both schools are run separately with separate admissions.

We understand the anxiety that can face parents when choosing a school for their child and aim to make the admission process as simple as possible.

Below you can find information on the three types of admissions into the Academy:

  • Reception-age children (the school year when the child is 5 years old)
  • Nursery-age children (from the age of 3). Children are eligible for the term after they turn 3 years of age
  • Other year groups

To begin with, we recommend that you visit the Academy and meet with a member of our senior staff. You can book your place on a tour here.

If you would like to speak to someone about the admission process or have any questions – however large or small – please don’t hesitate to contact our admissions officer, Michele Gordon, at

The Academy’s admission policy can be found on the policy section of our website.

  • Nursery Admissions

    Before you apply please refer to the Camden website school admissions page. Applications to King’s Cross Academy Nursery are governed by the criteria set down by Camden in ‘Starting School’.

    Nationally, all three and four-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours per week of free nursery education from the beginning of the term following their third birthday. An additional 15 hours is available for parents who meet certain criteria. For more details please contact the Academy.

    The deadline for applying for September 2024 nursery places at the Academy Nursery is 15th January 2024. Parents will be informed of the outcome of applications in April. An application form can be downloaded here and should be returned to the address on the form. Alternatively please contact us at

    If you need help filling in the form for nursery places, then please phone us on 020 7504 0533 or ask us at one of our information sessions.

    We expect many of our children will join King’s Cross Academy in the nursery, at age three. A place in the nursery does not guarantee a place in the main school. Some children, however, will move on to one of two reception classes, where they will also be joined by children new to the Academy.

    Starting Nursery

    We will invite the families of new nursery children to the Academy, prior to children starting school. We will work with you to make sure that your child has the best possible start to their time in school and to ensure that you know how best to help and support them with their learning at home. You will be asked to sign the home school agreement which explains school and parent responsibilities. The nursery admission policy can be found on our policy page.

  • Reception Admissions

    The King’s Cross Academy governing body has accepted Camden Council’s policy and criteria for admissions to its reception classes with one addition arising from co-location with Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children. All children whose SEN or Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs), name King’s Cross Academy will be admitted if the Academy believes it is able to offer the best support for that child. In the event of over-subscription, the following criteria (priority groups) will be applied:

    1. Looked-after children (children who are in public care) or previously looked-after children (children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).
    2.   Applicants who have a brother or sister who will still be enrolled at the Academy when the applicant joins. For this criterion, ‘brother or sister’ includes any whole or half-brother or sister by adoption, any step or foster brother or sister who, at the time of application, lives at the same address as the child for whom the application is being made.);
    3. Applicants whom the Academy accepts have an exceptional medical or social need for a place at the school.  Parents or carers need to submit a case supported by appropriate professional evidence from a doctor, social worker or similar professional which sets out the particular reasons why this school is the most suitable, and the difficulties that could be caused if the child was to attend another school.  This evidence is normally in the form of a letter.  It must not be more than six months older than the date of application.
    4. Applicants who have a brother or sister who will still be enrolled at the Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children on the date the applicant joins. For this criterion, ‘brother or sister’ includes any whole or half-brother or sister by adoption or any step or foster brother or sister who, at the time of application, lives at the same address as the child for whom the application is being made.
    5. Other applicants, with higher priority given to those living closest to the Academy, measured in a straight line ‘as the crow flies’, between the centre of the child’s home and the centre of the school building, using the local authority’s computerised measuring system.  The address given must be the one at which the child normally lives.

    * Distance is be measured between the middle of the school building footprint and the middle of the home building footprint

    * Camden Schools’ Admissions Team use the equal preference model for deciding which school is offered. This means that all school preferences are considered together and the admissions criteria administered equally for all level (rank) of preference. The rank or order of preference will only be used if it is possible to offer more than one of the preferences. The highest ranked potential offer is offered and the lower preferences are automatically withdrawn.

    If necessary, priority within 2, 3, and 4 will be decided on using the distance criteria.

    Before you apply, please read the Starting School in Camden Brochure, which can be found here.

    You are able to state a preference for King’s Cross Academy as one of your six preferred school options on the form – in the same way that you can for any other Camden (or London) primary school.

    Applications can be made online here.

    National Offers Day, when you hear which school has accepted your child, is in April. Applications in writing for reception class places must be made through the Camden admissions team and other local authorities and returned to the address below.  Further information can be found here.

    If you need help in filling in the forms for reception class then please phone us on 020 7504 0533 or ask us at one of our school tours.

    To download our full admissions policy please click here.

  • In-year Admissions

    Parents can apply directly to the Academy for an in-year school place by emailing a completed application form to or by visiting the Academy. Download our in-year admissions form here.

We hope that you will consider us as you take the important decision of where to begin your child’s learning journey

Stephen Mitchell Head Teacher