Food at the Academy

Lunchtime at King's Cross Academy Primary School

Food plays a central role at the Academy and we believe it’s an important part of children’s learning to promote good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle.

At King’s Cross Academy being part of a community is an integral part of our school. Belonging within a team and showing respect are values which we believe should be evident at all times of the day, including lunchtimes.

We think the social experience of sitting down to lunch with friends is an important one, and aim to make it as enjoyable as possible with small queues, a clean dining hall and friendly, supportive lunchtime staff. We have promoted family sittings since 2020 and are now trialling a hybrid approach with our Early Years and KS1 continuing to enjoy family sitting, the children enjoy the opportunity to sit with staff occasionally to chat and share a tasty meal together. Children from years 4, 5 and 6 enjoy the independence of lining up for their meal.

Reception through to Year 6 are entitled to free school meals for the 2023/2024 school year and Governors are funding our Nursery children for 2023/2024. In addition, children supervised by their parent(s) are invited to a free breakfast every morning from 8.45 am where cereal, bagels, and fruit juices are available to give everyone a good start to the day.

We want to ensure high food standards and provide high quality, tasty and nutritious food, to create a culture of healthy eating and educate children about nutrition. We want to engage children in the discussion about lunches.

Our vision is:

Food provision 

It is our aim for our school menus to reflect the diversity of our school community. Introducing children to a range of cultural dishes whilst meeting our statutory duty to offer nutritious meals that meet the School Foods Standards.

We encourage as many children as possible to have a hot school lunch and offer guidance to families on what constitutes a healthy nutritional packed lunch.

Resources: School Food Standards:

Food education

Until 2019 we enjoyed the services of the Skip Garden, a team of individuals that came into school on a weekly basis to educate our pupils. The children learnt about herbs, vegetables and soft fruit; planting and caring for them in our small garden areas on our decking area.  

Our founding Headteacher had a vision that there would be a close link between the classroom and the kitchen. This included visits from the chef to the classroom to talk about the ingredients in meals. 

It is our continued aim to support our children in growing fruit and vegetables, learning about food production, and tasting new produce.


National Curriculum – Design & Technology: /

Core competences framework: foodinschools/competences/competences.html



Link healthy eating to a child’s wider personal development, behaviour and welfare judgements.

Provide basic cooking skills and encourage growing food to use in lunch preparation.

Staff development plans and CPD opportunities to support their knowledge and health and wellbeing.

Draw expertise from outside agencies. 

Lunchtime at King's Cross Academy Primary School
Lunchtime at King's Cross Academy School Primary School

Our chef, who has a passion for supporting children’s healthy eating habits, prepares our lunches. The fresh, healthy meals have been specifically designed to support children’s development and are served in our main hall. Background music ensures an enjoyable eating experience and introduces children to different genres of music.

Having our own chef allows us the flexibility to adapt the menu if needed and to cater for children who may have food allergies or intolerances.

Our chef also visits the classrooms to introduce the children to the ingredients that she will be using in her cooking. We find that this helps children become a little braver when it comes to trying out new ingredients and developing their tastes.

Parents are emailed the weekly lunch menu so you can plan your child’s diet for the week.

The chicken curry is the highlight of my week, I wish the chef would share the recipe!

Year 5 Pupil