Home Visits
Before your child starts reception at the Academy, a member of the Early Years team will visit your child at home, or at your childminders, if this is easier.
The home visit lasts for about 30 minutes. As well as completing forms, the visit provides an opportunity for us to begin to build a relationship with you and your child. We find this makes for a positive start to a child’s life at school. You will have the opportunity to talk with the staff about your child’s particular interests and needs and find answers to any questions you may have.
In preparation for the visit, we would ask you to have the following information/documentation available so that we don’t take up too much of your time.
Proof of your child’s legal name and date of birth – this could be one of the following:
- your child’s birth certificate
- your passport with your child’s details included or an EEA identity card
Proof of your child’s main address – this could be one of the following:
- council tax bill
- current housing benefit letter
- tenancy agreement
- letter from the National Asylum Support Services (NASS)
- Letter from Adult or Children’s Services Asylum team
During the visit we will also need to see one of the following documents:
- gas bill, payment schedule or reminder
- electricity bill, payment schedule or reminder
- water bill, payment schedule or reminder
- telephone bill or mobile phone bill
Medical and other matters
We will need details of the name, address and telephone number of your child’s doctor and dentist. If your child is eligible for free school meals, we will need to see proof of income support. Please arrange a letter from Jobcentre Plus, dated within the last 8 weeks stating that the parent is currently in receipt of income support. This is important as the school will get more funding in order to support your child.
If you have any questions with regard to the home visits please don’t hesitate to contact us.