Physical Education at the Academy

The Playground at King's Cross Academy Primary School

At Kings Cross Academy Primary School we recognise the importance PE plays in the curriculum and are committed to providing all children with opportunities to engage fully in Physical Education(PE). PE should provide opportunities for all pupils to become physically literate and confident in a way which also supports their health and fitness. Children should acquire not only physical skills, knowledge and understanding, but also the awareness and importance of leading healthy, active lives, as well as the values of sportsmanship, fairness and respect through the sports and activities they undertake. 

We believe a high-quality Physical Education (PE) curriculum should be an integral part of the whole school curriculum and one that staff, pupils and parents understand and can contribute to. Through PE & Sport our children learn to develop the important qualities and skills of integrity, respect, communication, endurance, and ambition, leading to improved concentration, attitude, and academic achievement.

In P.E., children develop their knowledge, understanding and skills through activities that involve them in planning, performing and evaluating their work. These processes are reflected in the following six aspects of P.E.: planning  and performing, linking actions, improving performance, relationships, making judgements and health related exercise.

  • PE at Kings Cross Primary School provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; Invasion Games, Net & Wall Games, Strike and Field Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor & Adventure Activities and Swimming

  • The emphasis of our PE curriculum is inclusion for all children regardless of sporting ability. We provide suitable learning opportunities for all children, including those with SEND. Sensory circuits, play and movement sessions are delivered by specialists and keyworkers.  

  • All children are exposed to physical activities and competitions across the curriculum, to promote health, fitness, mental wellbeing and personal challenge and resilience.

  • Pupils wear appropriate clothing, remove jewellery and tie back long hair.  If the removal of jewellery or studs is not possible they should be securely taped and the teacher is confident this strategy is effective. Our School provides a PE kit comprising of shorts and white or blue t-shirt for all children and does not discriminate based on gender, race, disability, sexual orientation or belief.

  • Pupils who are unable to participate in a PE lesson are expected to change into their PE kit in order to purposefully adopt other roles in the lesson, such as observing, giving feedback, video recording, evaluating, coaching, umpiring and refereeing.

  • Staff teaching or attending PE lessons should wear appropriate clothing and also consider their own and their pupils’ safety with regard to their own additional personal clothing, footwear and jewellery when involved in the teaching of any sporting activity.

  • We have zoned areas in the playground to promote different types of physical activity and relevant equipment is provided to engage pupils.  School staff also offer different sporting activities at lunchtimes, such as Football, multi-sports, bench ball and skipping.

  • All resources for P.E. are held centrally, in the hall and P.E. store. – They are used solely for the teaching of P.E. Equipment for play times is stored separately. It is monitored by all staff and breakages are reported to the Physical Team Leader.                  

  • The PE Subject Leader makes an annual audit of equipment and resources, providing an up-dated list to staff. All lost or damaged resources need to be reported to the PE Subject Leader.

  • Children with minor bumps and bruises will be encouraged to continue to take part in the lesson where appropriate. In the event of any injury above the shoulder, the school’s ‘Head injury procedures’ will be followed. In the event of any major injuries, the PE staff will perform first aid and stay with the child whilst awaiting the first aid lead or member of SLT. Emergency services will be called immediately if deemed necessary, an adult should stay with the child and another adult or responsible child should seek assistance. After the incident the teacher must complete an accident report form.



At the Kings Cross Academy Primary School we aim to enable all our pupils to become competent, confident swimmers. Therefore, we ensure that children are given the opportunity to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum for Physical Education related to swimming. 

We aim to:  

  • Provide a safe environment for children to learn to swim 

  • Develop water confidence.

  • Make swimming an enjoyable and challenging physical experience.

  • Provide children with the opportunities to experience different types of swimming strokes.

  • Enable all pupils to meet the minimum 25m swimming requirement by the end of Key Stage 2. 


All children have equal access to the swimming curriculum regardless of race, gender or ability and in line with the school’s policy on Special Educational Needs (SEND). Swimming develops children’s overall physical health and fitness and encourages them to maintain a healthy lifestyle in later life. Swimming at Kings Cross Academy Primary School is time tabled throughout the year for all KS1 and ks2 pupils. Children, therefore, have the opportunity to develop and improve their swimming throughout the primary phase. 

Roles and Responsibilities

  • The role of the member of staff in charge:  

  • The welfare of children in changing room. 

  • Overall maintenance of good discipline.

  • Counting children into and out of the building and recording these numbers so that they are visible.  

  • Marking the attendance register.

  • Ensuring the water safety of all children and maintain a safe working environment.

  • Confirm attendance levels and any relevant medical information with the swimming instructors. 

  • Make arrangements about the provision for children with special needs and confirm risk assessment.

  • Adhere to health and safety requirements.

The swimming instructor will;

  • Possess DBS clearance.  

  • Have full ASA Teachers Award or an STA equivalent as well as a life-saving award recognised by Health and Safety Unit. 

  •  Possess a relevant First Aid certificate.  

  • Make sure all children and teachers know safety drills.  

  • Have all equipment ready and in the correct place in the teaching area. 

  • Consult with the accompanying teacher and agree arrangements to be made about the provision for children with special needs and confirm risk assessment.  

  • Ensure children know the procedure for the start/end of lesson, their grouping and assigned area of pool and teacher.  

  • To assess and record pupil progress.  

  • Organise classes according to: o Class numbers. o Pupil ability. o Numbers of teachers/adult helpers.

Behaviour / Attendence

The swimming pool is a place of work and should be treated as a classroom with the same rules regarding behaviour. 

All parents must ensure that their children attend all allocated lessons, as swimming is a statutory part of the National Curriculum. Parents can not withdraw their children from this statutory element of the National Curriculum, unless the child has an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan). 

Older children are encouraged to be independent in terms of organising their swimming kits. Children who forget their swimming kits or cannot participate in the lesson for any reason will be required to attend and observe the lessons from the side of the pool. This is in line with the other aspects of the PE curriculum delivery. Parents of children returning from an illness that would prevent them from swimming for a short period of time must provide the school with medical evidence of the illness in order that they may be excused from the lesson. Should a child not be able to swim for an extended period of time, a Doctor’s letter must be provided.

Swimming Kit 

Girls should wear a one-piece swimsuit and boys should wear swimming trunks. All children should wear a swim hat, with girls ensuring that their hair is tied up. Provision must be made for alternative attire for minority ethnics pupils when a request is made. We do not encourage beginner swimmers to wear goggles.