Personal Information and Data Protection
Our school holds a lot of personal information – about pupils, parents, teachers etc., and the General Data Protection Regulation is the law that says how we can hold, use and store it.
We have a school wide Privacy Notice here which tells you what personal information we collect and hold, what we do with it, who we share it with and how long we keep it for as well as other important information. You can view our Parent Privacy notice here
Our Data Protection Policy can be read here
The law gives people significant rights about how their personal information is handled. You can find out more about this on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website here if you want to use one of your new rights please contact the school here and one of our team will be in touch with you. We have a Data Protection Officer who is Andrew Maughan, Camden Council’s Borough Solicitor. He is supported by a specialist team of schools Data Protection Advisers. They can be contacted through the schools’ DP service by email: or by telephone: 020 7974 4365.
Please rest assured that our school knows how important your and your child’s information is, and takes all appropriate measures to make sure it is kept safe and secure, processed lawfully and fairly and only shared with people that the law allows us to.