Remote Learning

A Remote Education plan is now statutory guidance by the Department for Education.
Our Remote Education Policy and Procedures is designed to support:
- A KCA pupil (and their siblings if they are also attending KCA) is absent because they are awaiting test results and the household is required to self-isolate. The rest of their school bubble are attending school and being taught as normal
- A child’s whole bubble is not permitted to attend school because they, or another member of their bubble, have tested positive for Covid-19.
- For further guidance, please review: Covid Guidance Poster for Parents
What Remote Learning means to KCA – Our Philosophy:
King’s Cross Academy has always strived to be creative, innovative and support our parents/children in the best way possible to make learning purposeful and holistic. Our strategy for remote learning continues this and is underpinned by our school philosophy, ‘to help ourselves and each other to learn, and be safe’.
Safety will always take priority and therefore Remote Learning expectations on staff, pupils and parents are seen as guidelines, to be interpreted on a situational basis.
Our design:
At KCA we are committing to a consistent approach across all year groups in and out of school. All learning will be a combination of plugged (Seesaw/Google Classroom and unplugged (Home Learning + books) based activities. All activities will be able to be accessed by phone, itouch, tablet, ipad, laptop, desktop, macbook and imac (any device with internet access).
- EYFS-Year 2 will use Seesaw for their daily learning engagements and parent interactions.
- Year 3-6 will use Seesaw and Google Classroom for their daily learning engagements and parent interactions.
- All year groups will be provided with a weekly timetable and activities ranging across all subjects throughout each day of the week
- Seesaw family app is used as a communication tool between families and teachers
- Teachers, ‘online’ for communication and feedback on Seesaw from 9AM – 4PM (Unless staff are in school)
For additional activities, please look to our KCA Learning Resources Website
For video tutorials please select the appropriate link:
Logging into Seesaw using Google Log in
Logging into Seesaw using Home Learning Code (EYFS/KS1 only)
All approaches to Remote Learning (planning, expectations, feedback, assessment) are subject to change and our approach is flexible. King’s Cross Academy is committing to adapt if needed to government guidance and innovate to encourage engagement and respond to feedback.
Remote Learning Policy and Procedures:
In order to support our pupils, families and staff please ensure you have read and understand our responsibilities in the event of a pupil self-isolating, a bubble closure or whole school closure.
Click here for our Remote Learning Policy and Procedures: KCA – Remote Education Policy and Procedures
In conjunction with our Remote Learning Policy please ensure you have read/completed our:
Seesaw End User document (parents/pupils)
E Safety and Digital Agreement for parents
12 Rules for Responsible IT use
Live Lesson Netiquette Rules for families and pupils (Zoom)
Online Safety:
At KCA we are committed to keeping our children safe when using technology. We understand this can be extremely challenging when at home due to parents controls. and alternative web filtering to school therefore we suggest you familiarise yourself with the following sites:
We recommend that you visit:
Also, to familiarise yourself with age restrictions
Here you can learn about what specific content children should be viewing in relation to their age. Also, you can learn about parental controls that can be put in place using different internet providers and on different forms of technology:
If you need additional support with anything please do contact the NSPCC Helpline: NSPCC Helpline
They will talk you through adding parental controls and how to manage Content, Contact and Conduct at home.
For resources outlined by Mary Rebello, Camden’s Online Safety specialist who led an Online Safety workshop for our KS2 parents.
Please follow this link: